Diabetes education series - event 1
Lifestyle and medication management in type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Presented by
Primary Health Tasmania
Angus Thompson – pharmacist, and clinical editor at Primary Health Tasmania
Minke Hoekstra – Health Services Lead, Diabetes Tasmania
Date and Time
12 April 2022, 6:30pm – 8:00pm
GPs, practice nurses and allied health professionals
Delivery mode
The diabetes suite in the Tasmanian HealthPathways has recently been reviewed and updated. To support awareness of the updates we are offering a three-part webinar series.
This first event will focus on lifestyle and medication management in type 2 diabetes mellitus covering:
- overview of diet and lifestyle management including:
- the relationship between diet, nutrition and glycaemia and complication risk reduction in type 2 diabetes
- the benefits and limits of a ‘lower carbohydrate’ approach
- what is meant by ‘diabetes remission’.
- non-insulin pharmacological management which will include looking at the:
- Australian Diabetes Society’s Australian Blood Glucose Treatment Algorithm for type 2 diabetes
- Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme table and HealthPathways
- deprescribing and or de-escalating insulin use in elderly patients.
The other two topics to be covered in this series are:
- Medical management of hyperglycaemia and cardiovascular risk factors on Wednesday 4 May 2022, 6.30pm-8.00pm
- Sick day management on Tuesday 10 May 2022, 6.30pm-8.00pm
Feel free to familiarise yourself with the HealthPathways for diabetes prior to the events.