Reducing alcohol related harm in general practice
Resource List
Reducing alcohol related harm in general practice
Alcohol and Other Drugs
Resource Description

This 1 hour 22-minute webinar is the first webinar in a series of three webinars about Alcohol and Other Drugs in general practice.

General practice consultations provide an opportunity to deliver brief interventions to patients to reduce weekly alcohol consumption.

In this webinar, attendees will learn the scope of strategies that can be used in general practice, tools that can be used by GPs to support these strategies, and how to incorporate brief interventions into daily practice.

Attendees will be introduced to the REACH (Reducing Alcohol-Related Harm in General Practice) project and tools, developed by Monash University. The REACH project supports GPs, nurses and other healthcare professionals to talk to their patients about alcohol use.  The REACH team has developed a package of practical, evidence-based and informative resources with input from GPs, nurses and community members. Click here for more information about the REACH project and supporting resources.

The learning outcomes for this session are:

  1. outline brief intervention strategies to assess alcohol intake and reduce weekly consumption
  2. identify strategies to incorporate brief interventions into daily practice.

The presenters will be GPs Dr Liz Sturgiss and Dr Hester Wilson.

Dr Sturgiss is an Associate Professor of Research in the School of Primary and Allied Health Care at Monash University and Visiting Fellow at the Australian National University. She has experience in implementation research in primary care with expertise in the complex area of obesity management. She is also an NHMRC investigator.

Dr Wilson is a registered Fellow of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) and a Fellow of the Chapter of Addiction Medicine, with a Masters in Mental Health. She is working towards completion of her PhD in collaborative care. Dr Wilson has participated in numerous expert committees for both state and federal governments, and is Chair of the RACGP’s Specific Interest Addiction Medicine Network.

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