The GP’s role in eating disorders: The impact of early identification and initial response – session one
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This 58-minute webinar by Primary Health Tasmania, the Tasmanian Department of Health, the National Eating Disorders Collaboration and the Butterfly Foundation is on the GPs role in eating disorders.

Eating disorders are complex illnesses that impact on both the physical and socio-emotional health of Australians of all ages and contribute to significant morbidity. However, early detection and management of eating disorders may contribute to better outcomes. General practitioners and some health practitioners are uniquely placed to recognise early onset eating disorders as they are the first port of call for people throughout their lifecycle. These practitioners therefore play a critical role in the physical health conditions and associated social issues that often accompany eating disorders. Primary Health Tasmania, Department of Health Tasmania, the National Eating Disorders Collaboration and the Butterfly Foundation are providing a series of webinars aimed at empowering Tasmanian health professionals with the education, tools and awareness needed to navigate the complexities of eating disorders and intervene effectively.

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