Mental Health and Pharmacotherapy for GP’s - Choices, Changes, Monitoring and Collaborating
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Mental Health and Pharmacotherapy for GP’s - Choices, Changes, Monitoring and Collaborating.mp4
Mental health and Pharmacotherapy
Resource Description

A one-hour, 28-minute webinar hosted by Primary Health Tasmania about Mental Health and Pharmacotherapy for GP’s

The mental health education series is an ongoing bimonthly series of mental health events for GP’s with the dual purpose of keeping GP’s informed about changes in the Tasmanian mental healthcare landscape, alongside providing interesting and relevant clinical education delivered by local mental health clinicians. These events will provide an opportunity for GP’s to have cross-disciplinary dialogue. The third in the series will be an interactive session blending clinical and service updates with a special focus on the complexities of concurrently managing physical and mental health, and will include:

  · A clinical update from Dr. Honor Pennington (ACMHS South clinical director)

  · Information and discussion about best practice use of medication from Dr Honor Pennington, pharmacist and Primary Health Tasmania clinical editor Angus Thompson, and CNC Rohan McGill who specialises in continuing care and diabetes education

  · The education component will also incorporate expertise from Tasmanian Health Service Specialist Pharmacist Alex Blackfield

  · Launching updates/new Tasmanian HealthPathways relevant to this session, including the Physical Health and Chronic Mental Illness pathway

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