Dementia Demystified - Session 2
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Dementia Demystified - Session 2
Dementia Demystified
Resource Description

This 1 hour 26-minute webinar was the second of two sessions in the Dementia Demystified training program.

This Dementia Training Australia GP Program is funded by the Australian Government to provide opportunities for general practitioners, general practice registrars, practice nurses as well as other primary health professionals to better recognise, diagnose and initiate post diagnostic care in the primary health sector. The two sessions will include Dementia Training Australia's evidence-based foundation program, with opportunities to extend learning into specifical areas of interest and need such as: fitness to drive, brain health, risk reduction and the use of cognitive assessment tools.  Although the program is designed for general practitioners, it is inclusive of general practice nurses, nurse practitioners and other allied health professionals. 

Session 1:

  • Why talk about Dementia and its impact?
  • How to implement the Domains of Dementia framework
  • Stages of Alzheimer’s Dementia
  • Barriers to diagnosis for people living with dementia, carers and clinicians
  • Consequences of not making a timely diagnosis
  • How to diagnose dementia

Session 2: 

  • Examination, office tests and cognitive assessment tools
  • Investigations and tests to rule out dementia
  • Delivering the “gift” of diagnosis
  • Brain health checks
  • Post diagnostic pathways and care
  • Ongoing dementia management
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