Clinical management of patients with a positive National Bowel Cancer Screening Test webinar
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Clinical management of patients with a positive national bowel cancer screening test - Tasmanian context
National bowel cancer screening test
Resource Description

Clinical management of patients with a positive National Bowel Cancer Screening Test.

A one-hour, 30-minute webinar hosted by Primary Health Tasmania about the clinical management of patients with a positive National Bowel Cancer Screening Test, and the Tasmanian context.

Primary Health Tasmania, with the support of The Tasmanian Bowel Cancer Prevention Program – Tasmania Health Service, facilitated this webinar. It is designed to update health professionals on the National Health and Medical Research Council endorsed clinical management of patients with a positive National Bowel Cancer Screening Test in the Tasmanian context.

This webinar covers: 

  • Bowel cancer and risk factors
  • The principles of population-based screening and the case for a bowel screening program
  • The current status of the National Bowel Cancer Screening Program
  • Clinical management: key principles and case scenarios.
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