Immunisation Coalition Webinars
Resource Description

The Immunsiation Coalitions provides educational webinars for health care professionals who want to provide up to date information on immunisations for their patients.

A series of educational webinars developed by the Immunisation Coalition to provide up-to-date information on immunisation for health professionals. The webinars cover topics such as pertussis, pneumococcal disease, influenza, and more. 

The Immunisation Coalition is an independent not for profit organisation, incorporated in 2006 as a company limited by guarantee (originally as the Influenza Specialist Group).

They are the leading voice in whole-of-life immunisation in Australia, protecting all Australians against communicable diseases.

The Immunisation Coalition collaborates with like-minded organisations such as Primary Health Networks (PHNs), Public Health Units, Government health departments and other groups that fight vaccine hesitancy.

They are a champion for immunisation education, providing timely, accurate and scientifically informed information about vaccines and the diseases they prevent.

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