GP Clinical Update: Sexual Health and Management of Common STIs
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GP Clinical Update: Sexual Health and Management of Common STIs
Sexual Health Update
Resource Description

This 1 hour 22-minute webinar is a clinical update for General Practice on sexual health and management of common STIs.

Primary Health Tasmania and the Tasmania Sexual Health Service presented an update on current best practice in the diagnosis, management and follow-up of common sexually transmitted infections (STIs). A previous webinar session in 2021 covered sexual health testing, chlamydia/gonorrhoea, Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PREP) for HIV, syphilis, and transgender medicine. After receiving feedback from the previous webinar, the following topics in this  webinar series will include an introduction to sexual health testing, an update on syphilis following a recent increase in Tasmanian cases, genital warts, genital herpes simplex, revisiting PREP and its prescription outside of sexual health in Tasmania. Public Health Tasmania was also present at this webinar to share some statistics on the rising STIs in Tasmania.

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