Hip and knee osteoarthritis: prevention through to post-operative care in north-west Tasmania – session two
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Hip and knee osteoarthritis: prevention through to post-operative care in north-west Tasmania – session two
Hip and Knee replacements
Resource Description

This 53-minute webinar was the second session in the hip and knee osteoarthritis series, which will provide a comprehensive overview into managing hip and knee osteoarthritis in north-west Tasmania.

Session two will provide an overview of the post -arthroplasty review clinic, and post-hab physiotherapy in the north west. Dr Russell Furzer will then provide an in-depth overview of hip osteoarthritis and surgical management with Dr Keith McArthur asking some interesting questions.

Learning outcomes covered in this session are:

  • Define to best practice postoperative management of knee/hip arthroplasty utilising the Orthopaedic Early Intervention approach
  • Outline the physiotherapist led 6-week post arthroplasty review clinic in north-west Tasmania
  • Identify the role of post-rehabilitation physiotherapy in the Orthopaedic Early Intervention Service pathway
  • Describe the surgical approach for hip surgery from technology through to results and outcomes

Speaker information:

Janie Lowde -  Advanced Scope Physiotherapist, Orthopaedic Early Intervention Service, Tasmanian Health Service

Chloe Wilson - Senior Physiotherapist, Prehab - Tasmanian Health Service

Dr Russell Furzer - Orthopaedic Surgeon, Tasmanian Health Service

Dr Keith McArthur – General Practitioner, GP Liaison Officer THS North-West, THS Clinical Lead for VAD (co-host)

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