Caring for ourselves so we can care for others
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Caring for yourselves so we can care for others
Two healthcare workers
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A 1 hour 28-minute webinar hosted by Primary Health Tasmania about the interplay between GP wellbeing self-management and sustainable practice.

The Mental Health Update and Education Series is a series of mental health events for GPs with the dual purpose of keeping GPs informed about changes in the Tasmanian mental healthcare landscape, alongside providing interesting and relevant clinical education delivered by local mental health clinicians. These events provide an opportunity for GPs to have cross-disciplinary dialogue.

The fourth event in the series included a panel discussion between Drs Amy Imms, Cheryl Martin and Annette Barratt about the interplay between GP wellbeing self-management and sustainable practice, and also about the challenges of caring for colleagues as patients facilitated by local Hobart GP Anna Seth. The topics covered included practical and ethical considerations of caring for colleagues as patients, individual and organisational wellbeing, and further awareness raising around how to be a user and supporter of a general practice community of care.

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