This 1 hour and 31-minute presentation goes over three new Tasmanian services.
Mental Health Update and Education Series is a series of mental health events for GPs with the dual purpose of keeping GPs informed about changes in the Tasmanian mental healthcare landscape, alongside providing interesting and relevant clinical education delivered by local mental health clinicians. These events will provide an opportunity for GPs to have cross-disciplinary dialogue.
The fifth event in the series will provide a mental health service update, with specific focus on three new Tasmanian services:
SANE Guided Service
Head to Health Launceston
The Peacock Centre Hobart – Incorporating Safe Haven, Mental Health Integration Hub and Recovery College
The update will shine a spotlight on the service models and types of care delivered within these organisations, including peer-led mental health care within the recovery-oriented mental health care context.
Service information will be provided alongside practical examples of a patient’s journey through each service, to provide attendees with clear information about how to refer into the service, what to expect during service engagement, treatment methods, and how the service takes an interdisciplinary approach to working with general practice.