Reflection question
It is now time for reflection. Pause the module here and capture your response to the question in the answer booklet.
Take as long as you need to answer the question and resume the module once you are happy to do so.
“Thinking about the service you work in, what processes are in place to stay informed about the clinical governance standards that may impact your organisation?
If you were to strengthen the connection between the standards and your day-to-day operations, where might you begin?”
Example for inclusion in answer booklet:
- Thinking about the service you work in, what processes are in place to stay informed about the clinical governance standards that may impact your organisation? At my service, we subscribe to newsletters from the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality, and I keep an eye on these to see if there is anything that is relevant to the service I work in. I also look out for updates from Primary Health Tasmania.
Most years I will attend a clinical governance conference to refresh my knowledge of the key trends in the area and meet peers in similar roles at other organisations, and we get to speak about the key issues which are impacting on our organisations and share what initiatives we are focussing on.
- If you were to strengthen the connection between the standards and your day-to-day operations, where might you begin? While we have a fairly mature clinical governance structure and process in my organisation, I could provide more updates to people working in front-line clinical roles about the projects I'm leading.
This would help make these clinical governance improvement initiatives more top of mind for them as well.