Clinical governance resource


The national model clinical governance framework (the clinical governance framework)

To support the delivery of safe and high-quality care for patients and consumers, the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care has developed the National Model Clinical Governance Framework (the Clinical Governance Framework).  

The Clinical Governance Framework does not specify how a health service organisation should develop or implement its clinical governance systems. Rather, it outlines the components of a clinical governance framework to enable health service organisations to develop and implement their own governance systems, considering local needs, values and the context in which services are provided.

The Clinical Governance Framework has five components:

1. Governance, leadership and culture – integrated corporate and clinical governance systems are established, and used to improve the safety and quality of health care for patients

Governance, leadership and culture

2. Patient safety and quality improvement systems – safety and quality systems are integrated with governance processes to actively manage and improve the safety and quality of health care for patients

3. Clinical performance and effectiveness – the workforce has the right qualifications, skills and supervision to provide safe, high-quality health care to patients

4. Safe environment for the delivery of care – the environment promotes safe and high-quality health care for patients

5. Partnering with consumers – systems are designed and used to support patients, carers, families and consumers to be partners in healthcare planning, design, measurement and evaluation.


Source: National Model Clinical Governance Framework