Clinical governance resource


Why should services have a clinical governance vision?

Having a vision for your service’s clinical governance can help people to understand the direction your clinical governance initiatives are moving towards, and also set a clear intention for how you imagine your service might be in the future.

A key concept of clinical governance is the idea of continuous improvement.

Clinical governance is not a fixed scope task which can be completed and then all improvement work is ‘done’ - every service needs to focus on improvement activities on a regular basis.

Having a vision can help support this type of continuous improvement over time.

For example, the Department of Health and Aged Care published “A Quality Vision For Aged Care” (2020). This document sets the vision as:

  • “That all Australian Government subsidised aged care services will demonstrate high quality, consumer centred services that are safe, effective, inclusive, caring, transparent, accessible, responsive, and well-led. The principle of continuous improvement underpins these characteristics at both a service and sector level.”