Clinical governance resource


Where do the National Primary and Community Healthcare Standards apply?

The Primary and Community Healthcare Standards apply to services that deliver health care in a primary and community setting.

These services address the prevention, treatment and management of illness and injury, and the preservation of physical and mental wellbeing.

These services vary in size and modes of delivery, and are carried out by a diverse range of healthcare providers.

Example One.
An example where the Primary and Community Healthcare Standards might apply is a small rural practice in Smithton run by a sole practitioner.

Working within the framework of the Standards, the service might ensure that there is a focus on the Clinical Safety Standards in the practice and the administrative team have an understanding of the key risks to be managed within the practice.

Example Two.
Another example of where the Primary and Community Healthcare Standards might apply is a busy Hobart community health centre. The service works with vulnerable youth who struggle with mental health challenges, substance abuse and homelessness. 

Rather than developing programs ‘for’ the users of the services, many of whom are disengaged from their families, the Practice Manager is implementing the standard of Partnering with Consumers and co-designing services to meet their needs.


Source: National Safety and Quality Primary and Community Healthcare Standards