What will be covered
Welcome to the Clinical Governance Upskilling Program. This program is designed to build your awareness of clinical governance as it relates to the Primary and Community Healthcare Sector.
This training is supported by funding from Primary Health Tasmania through the Australian Government’s Primary Health Networks Program.
This training draws its foundation from the National Model Clinical Governance Framework and aligns with the National Primary and Community Healthcare Standards. Both documents outline the necessary processes and structures for delivering safe and high-quality care, as well as a consistent set of safety and quality principles and actions.
Our aim is to provide this training as a supportive tool to assist in your ongoing efforts to enhance the safety and quality of primary and community healthcare services in Tasmania.
The program consists of four modules:
- Module 1: Introduction and Standards Overview
- Module 2: What is Clinical Governance?
- Module 3: Developing a Clinical Governance Vision
- Module 4: Planning a Clinical Governance Improvement Program
Each module can be completed as a stand-alone topic, or you could combine the full suite of modules, depending on your current learning needs. Modules include a mix of theory and examples to help bring the theory to life. Each module also includes a reflection question to assist you in applying the concepts covered in the module to your own organisation.
Please download and capture your responses to the reflection questions in the answer booklet.
The modules should take no more than 15 minutes to complete, though some reflection questions may require more time to complete than others.